Monday, 7 February 2011

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task

Lesson 7 was a photo taking excercise where the dream team of me, matt and emmanuel went out with the idea of capturing some photos for our preliminary task which was the creation of a front cover for a school magazine. some of the pictures we took inicluded; a picture of the new sixth form block, picture of the school hall and the new school chapel and some other various shots taken from around the school when we had finished we returned to class and waited with bated breathe for our next task.

During lesson 8 we had to get to work on the front cover itself mrs rogers had told us not to worry about the quality of it, because we ould only get marked down if we hadn't done it and if you think about it the worse it is the better because then we could show a massive improvement on our actualy final product, after we had finished the front cover we were told to start on the the content page but thats a story for another post.

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