Sunday 16 January 2011

A new hope

This was my first lesson of media since my exam which whilst we are on the topic went good except for the horror that was question 2. Mrs rogers spent the lesson highlighting what we would be doing for the second half of the year, we are going to be making the front page,  contents and a doube page spread of a new music magazine well thats the plan anyway we will have to wait and see how succesful that is. We were told about how the marks would be broken down 20 marks would be awarded for the planning of our magazine, 60 would be awarded for the actual construction of our magazine and the final 20 marks would be given for the evaluation which includes us presenting our work using a power point or prezzo. Mrs then went through and explained the different skills and techniques that we should use during the project which i personally thought wasn't remotly boring. Mrs Rogers then let us loose on the laptops and told us to set up are blogs and write our first posts describing what we did in our first lesson which is exactly why im here writing right now. i know its sad but im gonna have to stop writing now, read my next entry to find what i did in my next extremely exciting and amazing media lesson......

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